hygieneandyou’s diary

Contact us for all types of Menstural Cups, Period Panties & Underwear or Sanitary Cloth Pads.

Reasons To Prefer Washable Cloth Pads

The concept of pads is escalating with every passing day, and the same can be witnessed with new pads coming in the market. Likewise Washable or Reusable Cloth Pads has been accepted by women at large, but still there are a few who are waiting to for doubts clarification.



Do You Know How To Place The Cloth Pad During Your Periods ?

Well, most of the woman gets confused about the usage of these pads and prefers not to buy it. If you are also among the ones, then, stop such thought and give it a try. The application of these pads is very similar to that of regular sanitary pads. You just have to follow the same steps. For clarity, the steps are mentioned below in details; check it out.

  • Take the pad and place it in the centre of your panty
  • Make sure to keep the softer side upwards that is close to the skin
  • The other position where the wings are placed will be placed in the downward position.

So, these were the three final steps using which you can easily place the pads in your panty during your menstrual cycle.

Things to consider while using Washable or Reusable Cloth Pads

Women follow the steps procedure, just like sanitary napkins and end up making many mistakes. All these results in rashes, problems, and creates discomfort at a vast level during periods. If you don't want to make such mistakes and are looking to enjoy a happy period cycle, then follow the guidelines mentioned below.

  • Always change these pads in four to six hours a day. This way the problem of leakage etc. will get reduced and hygiene level can also be maintained.
  • Keep carry-bags to store the used pads and avoid keeping it in the laundry bags.
  • Don't wash the pads with hot water as it will tear the fabric apart.
  • Don't use hard detergent powders or cleaning agents to clean the pads.
  • Dip the pads into cold water and then clean it. This process will make the washing process very easy and stress-free too.

 Are you now ready to bring in the use of Washable or Reusable Cloth Pads for those days of the month? If yes, then connect with us now and book your pads at affordable price. For more information; click here.


Tags: reusable cloth pads, washable cloth pads, washable sanitary pads, washable sanitary napkins, white discharge pads india, biodegradable napkins for periods


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